People call Jamal Holtz the future mayor (or governor) of D.C.

At 26 he is a warm, extroverted, “old soul,” passionately dedicated to establishing Washington D.C. as the United States’ newest state. “51st STATE” is a short film that explores the emerging national issue of D.C. statehood from the personal perspective of one of its youngest Gen Z leaders - set against the overlooked cultural backdrop of our capital city and a deep yet virtually unknown crack in our democracy.

@ D/C DOX FESTIVAL 6/16/24

51st STATE is directed by Hannah Rosenzweig, produced by Hannah Rosenzweig, Liat Z. Rubin, and Ray Whitehouse; filmed by Gabriella Garcia-Pardo and Ray Whitehouse; edited by Jessica Congdon and executive produced by Diane Robertson.


Upcoming Screenings:

We’ll be at the Ashland Film Festival in Ashland, Oregon from Oct 3-5, 2024! Screening details coming soon!

We’ll also be at the Montclair Film Festival in Montclair, New Jersey and at another big east coast festival in November! Check back soon for dates & details.


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